config to setup Auth Proxy on Cisco Router .
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+
aaa authentication login free none
aaa authentication login AUTH-PROXY group tacacs+
aaa authorization auth-proxy default group tacacs+
ip access-list extencec AUTH-PROXY-ACL
permit tcp any host eq www log
ip auth-proxy name AUTH-PROXY http inactivity-time 5 list AUTH-PROXY-ACL
int ethernet 0/1
ip auth-proxy AUTH-PROXY
now http server need to be running so we need to enable the https server service on our device
ip http server
ip http authentication aaa login-authentication AUTH-PROXY
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key cisco123
Setup authentication free none mentioned in initial lines of config to avoid any lock down on our box.
line con 0
login authentication free
Now Setup ACS server
under interface configuration enter new service
group setup
make sure auth-proxy is checked
check custom attribute
enetre acl to apply after user is authenticated
entre the privil levle for implmeentatiopn the auth proxy acl Priv level 15
thats it it should work .